The 浩博体育app网站 Board of Trustee’s responsibility begins with supporting and furthering the school’s mission of providing a community and environment where students with learning differences and social communicative challenges can grow academically and socially. 与这一广泛的责任有关, the Board has developed a long-range strategic plan through which they will conduct a complete review of the school from the services it provides 和 way they are provided to its physical facilities.
The Stanbridge Board is also responsible for ensuring the financial stability of the school. 与校长和财务总监一起工作, 董事会制定年度经营预算, 包括学费和总体学费援助, 并监督学校的财务和资产. 与这些任务密切相关的是先进性委员会的具体作用, 负责斯坦福大学的年度筹款活动. 斯坦福大学董事会招募自己的成员, 这样做的时候, 确定他们认为具备技能的人, background, 以及符合董事会角色和责任的热情. 根据章程,董事会成员最多可任职三届,任期两年. 我们的董事会是由现在的斯坦福家长组成的, 校友的父母, 以及外部社区志愿者, striking a balance between those who know the benefits of Stanbridge firsthand and those who have more of a historic and outside perspective. 目前, 董事会由专业背景包括金融的个人组成, 法律, 特殊教育, 技术, 市场营销, 还有其他非营利组织的董事会经验. 我们的董事会在过去三年中有了显著的发展, strengthening its perspective and diversity by considering prospective members’ affiliation with the school, 有特殊教育界的经验或接触, 非营利机构工作经验, 和专业领域, 除其他因素外. |
Kinga Czegeni,主席 (2019年11月加入). Kinga是斯坦福大学一名在校学生的母亲. 她是联合创始人, 总统, 阿瓦隆学院的执行董事, a model school founded in 2005 that provides multisensory and interdisciplinary curriculum for students (ages 5-22) with movement disorders, 比如脑瘫. 金娜在旧金山州立大学做了十多年的讲师, where she taught a graduate course on the Implications and Management of Physical Disabilities and Sensory Impairments. In 2018, 她创立了阿瓦隆疗法, which created a way for more families to access the services of leading experts in the field of 特殊教育, 语言治疗, 给治疗, AAC格式, 物理治疗, ABM功能综合课程, 和反射整合疗法(MNRI)适用于所有年龄段. Kinga brings more than 25 years of experience working with children with movement and sensory challenges. She is passionate about providing therapeutic services to newly-diagnosed babies and supporting their families throughout the process. Kinga拥有特殊教育和Anat Baniel教学法的硕士学位, 以及加州教师资格证书.
史蒂夫•鲍曼 (2024年5月加入). Steve spent 36 years in telecom high-tech before retiring to become a full-time volunteer on non-profit boards to pursue his first love – “repairing the world”. For more than a decade he led initiative to increase inclusion of kids with special needs 和ir families in religious communal activities in the peninsula, 他就是这样认识朱莉·史密斯的, 累积量. 他曾担任世界进步犹太教联盟主席, 帕洛阿尔托奥什曼家族犹太社区中心的主席, 律师兼贝丝·阿姆教会主席, 洛斯拉图斯, CA, 在宗教学校教七年级学生《圣经. 但他生活和事业的骄傲是他与爱人近60年的婚姻, 伊娜和他的两个孩子, their spouses and 4 grandsons who live close enough to enjoy and far enough not to drive them (too) crazy.
辛迪Kuehnle (2023年3月加入). 辛迪是斯坦福大学2023届毕业生的母亲。. 她一直是斯坦福家长协会活跃的家长志愿者, serving in many roles including as a member of the Stanbridge Gala Committee from 2016-2023, 并于2020年至2023年担任SPA联席主席. Cindy has worked in event management and production for over 25 years and has experience with both small-scale events and major trade shows. She worked on a variety of events in her tenure as a Convention Services Manager at the Jacob K. 纽约贾维茨会议中心, 以及乔治·利特管理公司的运营经理, 总部设在纽约的贸易展览制作公司. 2009年搬到湾区后, 她为弗里曼工作, 贸易展览会, 在旧金山的展览和活动公司. Cindy holds a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY. She also holds a certificate in Meeting, Conference and Event Management from New York University.
南希·李,司库 (2018年8月加入). 南希是母亲 斯坦福大学2020届毕业生. 她是Alsop Louie Partners的普通合伙人和首席财务官, 侧重于早期投资的风险投资公司, 位于旧金山. 她是执行委员会的成员,并监督管理, 公司的财务和运营. Nancy was formerly a board member of Aim High; Community Educational Services; Youth Outreach in Hong Kong; and a founding board member of Presidio Knolls School. She also served as an officer in the parent associations of both Alice Fong Yu Alternative School and Sterne School in San Francisco. 南希是一名注册会计师,并获得了旧金山州立大学的商业学士学位.
副主席麦鸿崧 (2018年8月加入). 克里斯是斯坦福大学2025届学生的父亲. 克里斯拥有丰富的运营经验, 产品开发, 以及科技行业的市场营销. 他目前是TechPRO的首席执行官和联合创始人, a data solutions provider which enables enterprise-level tech companies to sell their products and services more cost-effectively and at greater scale. 克里斯也是旧金山的一位活跃的房地产投资者. 他持有the University of San Francisco的学士学位和MBA学位. Chris joined the Stanbridge 校董会 in August 2018 and was the parent representative on the school’s Annual Fund Committee for the 2018–2019 school year.
Lynette马伦 (2022年1月加入). Lynette是阿瓦隆学院的联合创始人和前联合执行董事, a model school founded in 2005 for children and young adults with movement disorders such as cerebral palsy. 她目前担任Avalon的董事会主席. Lynette毕业于医学硕士学位.B., B.S.), 1987年从英国伦敦大学毕业. 她被授予博士学位.D. from the same university in 1993 and subsequently joined the headquarters of GlaxoWellcome, a major multinational pharmaceutical company where she specialized in clinical research and development of drugs for the treatment of neurologic and psychiatric disorders. 1999年,她和家人搬到了加州, Lynette’s focus pivoted to 特殊教育 to help fulfill the needs of her eldest child who has cerebral palsy.
Sherrie Shagong (2023年3月加入). Sherrie是斯坦福中学2029届学生的家长。. Sherrie在战略方面有超过20年的经验, 操作, 市场营销, 产品开发, 和创业. She has worked across 技术 and financial services industries and brings a unique perspective on shaping growth at private equity and venture backed companies. Sherrie目前是德勤(Deloitte)私募股权战略计划负责人. 在德勤任职期间, she has also undertaken other leadership roles in building marketshare for global companies doing business in the Greater China market. Sherrie is a mentor at Alchemist Accelerator where she shares learnings and expertise with the next generation of start-up founders. Sherrie is passionate about staying involved in her children’s school communities and has served as a leader for the Art in Action program and Scouts BSA. Sherrie received an AB in Computer Science from Cornell University and an MBA from the Haas School of Business, 加州大学, 加州大学伯克利分校.
琳达·维萨,秘书 (2023年5月加入). 琳达有两个女儿,其中一个是斯坦福大学2017届毕业生. She was a co-chair of two Head of School search committees, as well as the previous board chair and 他是斯坦福家长协会活跃的家长志愿者. 琳达是一名顾问,与硅谷的私人基金经理一起工作, 主要是在风险投资领域. She was formerly an attorney focused on private fund formation and investment adviser regulation. 她曾在HRJ Capital担任内部律师,并在Fenwick律师事务所执业 & West和Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & 旧金山湾区的罗萨蒂和苏厄德 & 在纽约接吻. 她还担任Ascendigo Autism Services的副主席, an organization in Colorado that integrates people with autism into community life recreationally and socially. 琳达拥有乔治城大学的法学博士学位和哥伦比亚学院的学士学位.